
Mainly moved into new house now. It’s been a bit stressful, what with a very leaky washing machine and sinks that may as well not be attached to any pipes underneath, but it’s coming together and looking lovely:





Moving to a new place is a funny one. I find myself doing strange things, like cycling on the pavements. Until I know the roads and the drivers, and can trust that I’m probably not going to die (although anything involving Brummy roads and drivers always carries risk…).

Right now I should be sitting my entrance exam for Medical School. But obviously I am not. All in good time…

Headed down to lovely Cornwall tomorrow! And then over the Channel to the rest of the continent next week. Can’t complain.



I had the pleasure of meeting this man yesterday. He talked about the importance of travel, and migration as a natural process for any human being. He also advocated that we are all extraordinary, and we must all be the best that we can be. I am excited to see his adaptation of Benjamin Zephaniah’s Refugee Boy at WYPlayhouse this coming week.

In other news, I had a lovely morning wandering round town yesterday.





(Photos taken in Otley on market day.)



I’ve been MIA for a while. Being home has been super busy. Here’s to the next chapter of life… not a particularly exciting one, but I’ll make the best of it!

Things to achieve by the end of the year:

* apply to medschool

* have some money again

* find a job for next year

* make everything on my baking and cooking lists

* book a trip to France to skiiiii

* knit a hat. Preferably of the cable variety. With a bobble, obviously.


[view down the valley from just above Phedi, Nepal. Potentially one of the most beautiful views ever]
